Sunday, March 20, 2011

Reunion of Class of 1956 - 1963, Petersham Primary School NSW

Boys and Girls 

We are getting together for an evening of nostalgia and lots of laughs at the effects of 48 years since some of us have laid eyes on each other. 

Saturday 9-apr-2011 

from 1800 - 2200

Divina Restaurant 

98 - 106 Audley Street, Petersham NSW 2049 

Tickets $60 pp which includes some beer wine and soft drinks

Partners are welcome

RSVP as soon as possible to John Young by email to

Below you will find an incomplete set of the annual formal Class photos.  You will see we dont have 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 5A or 6A at this stage.   Do you (or your mother!) have any of the missing photos hidden away in a shoe box or buried in a very old family photo album?

John Young
Petersham Public School
Class of 1956 - 1963
m: 0407 940 943  |  skype: yindisystems
e:  |  twitter: #yindisystems

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Petersham Public School badge in 1963