Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Do you remember at Petersham Public School 1956 -1963...

The coke stoves in the corner of some classroom that were used for heating? School banking under the supervision of Mrs Wridgway? The end of school picnic at Parsley Bay in December 1963? Competing for the Spelling Shield each week? Was there also an Arithmetic Shield? Having to march into class in the morning to the sound of a kettle drum and bass drum? The boys crossing West Street half way through the lunch break to play in the paddock? Having a simple coloured badge about 35 mm in diameter to show what House you were in? The alcohol smell of worksheets produced on the roneo machines?
Chocolate spread on slices of bread for "play lunch"?
Doing SRA speed reading exercises, and the big box that the work cards and books were packed in?
Listening to programs on the school radio network, via a speaker high on the wall at the front of the classroom?
What things still stick in your memory from your time at Peto Public?

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Petersham Public School badge in 1963