Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wests Under 14 Hockey Team at Lewisham Baptist Church

Lots of boys from Petersham Public School played in a Hockey team that was formed at Petersham Baptists Church, due to the energy of the late Rev Ivan Kilvert.  From memory it started about 1963,  but I am open to better memories.

History notes from Richard Acheson, received 18-mar-2011

Can't tell you when it started, however-

1964 the team won the U14 Western Suburbs District Zone competition

1964 the team also combined with another Western Suburbs U14 team for the finals and that combined team won the U14 Sydney Competition

1964 Brian Booth (former Australian cricketer and hockey player) presented the trophies at the Petersham Baptist Church Hall

1965 the team again won the U14 Western Suburbs District Zone competition

1965 half the team was taken by Wests management to play in a U16 preliminary final on the day that the U14 team was playing a preliminary final. This left the U14 team short of players and it lost the preliminary final. Rev. Ivan Kilvert was not very happy!

1966 the team played as Petersham in the U16 St George competition

1967 the team played again as Petersham in the U16 St George competition in 1967

I have a memory of Penelope Kilvert falling off a swing and breaking her arm during a game, and a Canberra team coming up and playing us, and also playing a combined St George U16 team about then)

The team disbanded after 1967 as the the Kilverts moved to Adelaide and a number of players were too old to play U16.

1968 Jimmy Georgiou played in the lower grades for St George

1968 John Birchgrove (a member of our team) and myself played in U16 St George Competition for Blakehurst.

1968 Blakehurst were Premier's in the U16 St George Competition.

1968 A bloke called Ian Hollywood played for Blakehurst in 1968 and I believe he went on to play 1st Grade for St George and represent Australia.

The source for this fountain of information is a box of old trophies in the back shed...  that rekindled some memories. The dates may not be totally accurate, but they're pretty close.
There was also a bloke with a Yugoslav or Serbian background in the team 

I also think a bloke called Bruce Holten may have played for us when he was in primay school but may have dropped out. The majority of the team were in the Boys Brigade, and the church may still have those records.

As well, the name Mick Malpass has floated up in the grey matter, his father was a fireman, but I can't be sure. (Note from John Young: The father of Terry and Gary Malpass of Petersham Primary School was a fireman,  but I cannot recall either Malpass playing hockey.)

Richard Acheson

PPS: Reunion - I need more money!!!!!


Bookings hit 38 yesterday and 2 high probabilities!
  • Alan Hibburt confirmed yesterday that he is coming.
  • Sharon Malpass contacted me via Janet Austin's adverts and is coming to the Reunion with her husband.   Sharon started Kindy same year as us, but managed to move ahead of us,  finishing 6B in 1962 to go onto Dulwich Hill Girls, then nner and my DHHS.  Her younger brother, Phillip Malpass, was in our cohort.  Sharon is the cousin of Terry Malpass who was in out class cohort.  All the Malpasses and Janet Austin lived within a literal stones throw of each other in Allans Ave, Petersham.


I have to pay a substantial deposit to the Divina Restaurant next week.  So I need you $60 per head paid before close of business next Monday 4-apr-2011, please.

Still trying to work out who deposited $120 cash into my bank account about 8 weeks ago now.  Please drop me an email or an SMS to 0407 940 943 if it was you, please.

If you still need to pay you can do so in 1 of 2 ways
  • post me a cheque to

John S Young 
PO Box 929
Spit Junction  NSW  2088
  • or better still, by direct payment via the Internet if you can cope with that technology!

Bank:      St George Bank
BSB:       112 879
A/C:        437 586 518
             ref:          PPS (your name)  or your phone number       

n.b. the reference is important so I can match payment to your names


Jan Austin did an advert in the Sydney Morning Herald and Daily Telegraph 6-8 weeks ago.  It has been successful in helping link us up with about 6 people who were not already on our horizon.  Not all all them were in our 1956 - 1963 class cohort.   

It is interesting how many people moved forward or backwards between 2 cohorts, because of the birth date, illness, or other issues, such as overcrowded classes.  I think I was only in Kindergarten for part of 1 year, before being banged up into Transition and 1B,  before rejoining my original cohort in the next year or so.

The other thing that is interesting is tracking the siblings of people in our class cohort.  For example,  many pupils in our cohort had brothers or sisters in classes 5-6 years ahead of us, or several years after us.  

Amazingly I can still remember many of these siblings, i guess because
  • Petersham was a fairly small community in those days
  • we all walked to or from school in the care of older siblings or an older pupil who lived in the same street
  • Petersham Public School was very much the centre of the local community - we went to a school within walking distance, public or catholic
  • we interacted with the same kids at weekend sport, Cubs, Scouts, Boys Brigade or church youth groups
  • we went round to the houses of school mates to play after school or at weekends
  • our parents didn't ferry us around by car all the time!
  • there were very few formal out of school activities, unlike today,  so I can remember spending a fair bit of time at the homes of school mates,  and getting there alone, on foot,  or cycling, from quite an early age
  • Still looking for some of the missing class photos,  or photos of out of school activities in the years 1956 - 1963
  • Because not everyone has their photos in digital format I am hoping to bring a scanner and my laptop to the Reunion Dinner
  • Then I can scan any photos you bring with you and they can be shared with everyone else that we have made contact with while arranging this Reunion.

John Young
0407 940 943

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Reunion of Class of 1956 - 1963, Petersham Primary School NSW

Boys and Girls 

We are getting together for an evening of nostalgia and lots of laughs at the effects of 48 years since some of us have laid eyes on each other. 

Saturday 9-apr-2011 

from 1800 - 2200

Divina Restaurant 

98 - 106 Audley Street, Petersham NSW 2049 

Tickets $60 pp which includes some beer wine and soft drinks

Partners are welcome

RSVP as soon as possible to John Young by email to

Below you will find an incomplete set of the annual formal Class photos.  You will see we dont have 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 5A or 6A at this stage.   Do you (or your mother!) have any of the missing photos hidden away in a shoe box or buried in a very old family photo album?

John Young
Petersham Public School
Class of 1956 - 1963
m: 0407 940 943  |  skype: yindisystems
e:  |  twitter: #yindisystems

Petersham Public School NSW Class of 1955 - 1962

The following photos were supplied by Graeme Grubb.

 Fig. 1  Class 2A 1958, Petersham Public School NSW

Fig. 2 Class 2B 1958, Petersham Public School NSW

 Fig. 3  Class 3B 1959, Petersham Public School NSW

Fig.4  Class 4A 1960, Petersham Public School NSW

Fig. 5  Class 5A 1961, Petersham Public School NSW

Fig. 6  Petersham Public School Rugby League Team 1959

Fig. 7  Best mates Harold Graycar and Graeme Grubb

John Young
Petersham Public School
Class of 1956 - 1963
m: 0407 940 943  |  skype: yindisystems
e:  |  twitter: #yindisystems


Petersham Public School NSW, Class of 1952 - 1959

The following information and photos come from Suzanne King Santas and Louise Davis Martin.  

Help would be appreciated to identify pupils and teachers in these photos.

 Fig. 1 Upper Kindergarten 1952, Petersham Public School.

 Fig. 2 Class 1A 1952, Petersham Public School.

 Fig. 3  Class 4B+5B, Petersham Public School.

 Fig. 4  Class 6B 1959, Petersham Public School.

Fig.5  Is this a photo of the Petersham Public School Choir.  Taken in 1959.  Mr Harry Baltins is the male teacher.

John Young
Petersham Public School
Class of 1956 - 1963
m: 0407 940 943  |  skype: yindisystems
e:  |  twitter: #yindisystems


Girls Sport @ Petersham Public School NSW in the 1950s and 1960s

I remember Miss Searle being the co-ordinator for Girls Sport at Peto Public during our era.  She was very enthusiastic about encouraging girls to play netball, softball and to compete at our School Athletics Carnival, then at the Zone Carnival, and occassionally at a NSW Schools Athletics Carnival.  Dominic Calnan is one name that I recall very well as making it through to the state competitions as a sprinter.

Fig. 1 Softball teams 1959.  I assume Miss Searle is the teacher in this photo?

Do any of the girls have photos of netball, tennis or athletics events that they participated in?   

John Young
Petersham Public School
Class of 1956 - 1963
m: 0407 940 943  |  skype: yindisystems
e:  |  twitter: #yindisystems

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rugby League Teams at Petersham Public School in early 1960s

I have not had time to identify all the people in these photos.   But please send me back a comment if you know people in these photos.  Thanks to Graeme Grubb for the following photos.

Fig. 1   Looks like an under 4 stone 7 lbs team who played in the dark blue jersey with the light blue vee stripe.
Top row from left: unknown, unknown, unknown.
Middle row from left: unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown.
Bottom row from left: unknown, unknown, Graeme Grubb? unknown, unknown, Stephen Rodgers. 

Fig. 2  Guessing this is Under 5 stone 7 lbs team in 1960.
Top row from left: John Young, unknown, Terry Malpass, unknown, Francis Whitling,Carl Magrath.
Front row from left: Harold Graycar, Graeme Grubb, Mark Brownlee, unknown, Ray "Pancho" McDougall, Terry Seabrook, Colin Jennings, unknown.

I remember Mr Limbeck as the enthusiastic older teacher who managed Rugby League at Petersham Public School.  Other memory scraps include a weigh-in session on the covered verandah outside Mr Limbeck's classroom, which was next door to the School Hall, and part of the original Victorian era school building - brick and sandstone walls, with steep slate roofs, and highly sculpted timber facias and barge boards.

John Young
m: 0407 940 943  |  skype: yindisystems
e:  |  twitter: #yindisystems


Petersham Baseball Club, Under 12s circa 1961

I have added these photos into our growing collection of photos.  Most of the boys in this team were pupils at Petersham Public School.   Lorna and Bill Madigan, with their sons Peter, Bernard and Ray, who lived at 39 Wardell Road, Petersham, were the driving force behind the Petersham junior baseball teams.  

Many of you will also remember that Mrs Lorna Madigan also ran our School Canteen, the Petersham Public School P&C Association, Marrickville Marching Girls Team, and organised all those costumes for the folk dancing around Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park in Education Week for quite a few years, every August.

Her youngest son, Ray Madigan, is somewhere in these photos.  If you think you can help us identify people in them then please use the Comments tool following this post to pass on any relevant related information to us.

Fig. 1  Top L to R:  Graeme Grubb, unknown, Lindsay Hodda, Terry Malpass, Ray Madigan, John Cooper?, Gary (Shorty) Williams. 
Middle L to R:  John Pearce? John Young, Keith Ash.
Front L to R:  Ian Andrews, Francis Whitling.

Fig. 2   Top L to R: Ray Madigan?, Lindsay Hodda, Terry Malpass, John Cooper?, unknown, Gary (Shorty) Williams. 
Middle L to R:  Graeme Grubb, John Pearce, John Young, Keith Ash.
Front L to R:  Ian Andrews, Francis Whitling.

John Young
Petersham Public School
Class of 1956 - 1963
m: 0407 940 943  |  skype: yindisystems
e:  |  twitter: #yindisystems

Created 20-may-2011
Updated 30-jul-2022

Monday, March 14, 2011

Teachers at Petersham Public School 1956 -1951

The first name most people remember is Harry Baltins, Class 6A and Choir Master.  Harry died about 2001,  after having been a Principal for the last 10+ years of his teaching career.   One of his son's tells me he was just as serious a disciplinarian at home as he was at Peto Public.

Some the other names that have surfaced during research for our Class Reunion
  • Miss Traviner: Infants School
  • Miss Tynan
  • Mr Limbeck: some Infants classes, including Transition, from memory, and Boys Sport, including Rugby League
  • Mrs Ridgeway (spelling correct?): 3A, school banking in her classroom at Monday lunchtime
  • Miss Searle:  Girls Sport Mistress, Class 4B, very keen skier.
  • Miss Pontifex: principal or senior teacher of the Petersham Infants School
  • Mrs May: 4A
  • Mrs Penny: 5A, lived in Ashfield
  • Mr Winston, principal till about 1962
  • Mr Hill, principal from about 1963, also taught Class 6B in 1963, lived locally in West Street.
Can you add to or correct any of the names on this list?

John Young
Petersham Public School
Class of 1956 - 1963
m: 0407 940 943  |  skype: yindisystems
e:  |  twitter: #yindisystems


Update on Petersham Public School Class of 1963 Reunion

Boys and Girls

We now have 31 people registered to attend the Reunion Dinner on Saturday 9-apr-2011.   This includes 18 students and 13 partners.   With a bit more lunch and assistance with "detective" from people in our class group we should be able to pass 40 - the number we need so the restauranter will dedicate their Portuguese restaurant, Divino, to us for the evening.

The number of photos on the photo site is starting to grow now.   See 

Contact John Young by email to or by phone/SMS to 0407 940 943 if you want more information about the Reunion,  or to make a booking. 

John Young
Petersham Public School
Class of 1956 - 1963
m: 0407 940 943  |  skype: yindisystems
e:  |  twitter: #yindisystems


Friday, March 11, 2011

Folk Dancing and Lynne Newbon's Memories of Peto Public

Fig. 1 I can recognize Helen Assaf on far right, and Lynne Newborn, 2nd from right. But who are the other 2 Peto Public folk dancers, seen here at one of several performances we did around the Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park.

Fig. 2 I can recognize Helen Assaf 2nd from right, and Lynne Newborn, on far right. But who are the other 2 Peto Public folk dancers?

Fig. 3 Same view but with the panoramic background retained

I just had this wonderfully detailed email from Lynne Newbon, who was part of our class group from 1956 till about 1960, when she moved to the upper north shore.

John Young

Hi John

How fantastic that you have taken the time to organise this…its very much appreciated, thank you.

Barbara Burnett ( Chessell) contacted me a few days ago, and I wanted to pass on that I will be delighted to attend the dinner. My husband Brian will be coming with me, and I very much look forward to catching up with so many of those fondly remembered faces in the school photos. Barb and I have stayed in contact over all of the years, as we had been friends from the age of 3.

Unfortunately she is the only one and I am sorry but I would not be able to help with the search for any of the others.

Just a quick bit of background…

My Mum ran a haberdashery come woman’s clothing business for 14 years in Petersham on the main road. The shop was called “ Newbons”. I have been told that recently there has been a Portuguese chicken shop where our shop used to be. She was also very involved for years in the Chamber of Commerce in Petersham if I remember, and was one of the organizers of the big street parade that was on each year.

I went along to start kindy with Barb on the first school day of the year, all happy and positive about this big step, only to be told that I was too young and to come back in 6 months (birthday is in September). Starting mid year after everyone else had settled in was a trauma and apparently I cried my eyes out most days! I missed being in the kindy photo also of course.

I remember walking home via a corner store that must have been very close behind the school and buying red toffee frogs on sticks to pass the time while wandering home. All of the things you mentioned in your memories of the school came back to me…it was a weird feeling as you are almost instantly transported back and can even clearly see the colours of the reading cards, and those badges!

I also have vivid memories of us singing God save the queen in different “parts”…I have a feeling I was in the low part with the boys a I could not hit the high notes!
The only teachers name that comes to mind is something like a “Mrs Amm”…or something that sounded similar…I remember she seemed a gentle and fairly nice lady.

My best friend was Barb, but I was also good friends with Angelika, and remember Denise Ryan, Janet, Deidre, Rhonda and Dimity who’s father was my Mum’s doctor. It will be lovely to catch up with as many of them that are able to come. Also when I looked at your photo…did you have to do some of the folk dancing that I have photos of… I have a vague memory of that but am probably totally wrong. I know there were a few boys as well as we girls that were dragged into that event. I have attached the photos in case that is you in them.

My Mum was ill with kidney disease..we sold the shop in the middle of year 4 and moved to St Ives so she could retire, have peaceful surroundings, clean air etc.
I was miserable in my new school…I started on the day of their half yearly exams and of course all of the work was utterly different, and their handwriting style also. I was told in the first week that my hand writing must have been designed by an alien…and of course totally flunked out in all the tests, so the remainder of primary school was tough. I desperately missed my friends from Petersham, but Barb and I always stayed at each others homes in the holidays so that helped.

I became a teacher and after teachers college taught n the NT for 9 years, moved to Canberra and have lived in Queanbeyan for the past 27 years.

I have been happily married to Brian for 33 years, we have 4 children, and I retired from teaching a few years ago. I now help my husband in his consultancy business, and also manage our holiday property on the South coast. The “Captains Cottage and Lighthouse” that we love, and stay at whenever it is not booked, but those times are getting harder to find as it is very popular.

We are both looking to retire sometime in the next few years, but are not ready to as yet!

So there you have it, a life mapped out in a few paragraphs!

Lastly I just need to mention that my surname was Newbon as opposed to Newborn…otherwise I am happy for you to include whatever details you wish for others to read on the master list. I will try to organise a photo of myself to scan in, and I look forward to catching up with you and all of the others on the 9th of April.

Thanks again John,
Kind regards,


Petersham Public School badge in 1963