Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Parsley Bay School Picnic, late 1963

Today Ian Andrews brought up the subject of the school picnic we had at the end of 1963.  It is something I can remember very well in parts, especially the risque behaviour of some of the girls on the top deck of the bus that took us back to school at the end of the day.

There are snatches of memory of various parts of the day
  • picnic lunch under the huge shade trees - probably Moreton Bay figs
  • Mrs Madigan, who ran the canteen, handing out ice creams or bags of sweets for the bus ride home
  • playing games like tunnel ball
  • the novelty of seeing teachers dressed casually on Picnic Day
  • people making commitments to keep in touch after we all went off to different high schools in the next year
Does anyone else have memories of that day in December 1963?  

Does anyone have photos of that day at Parsley Bay?

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Petersham Public School badge in 1963